Dremu Deception - Best Anti Wrinkle Cream 45 Day Supply
Dremu Deception - Best Anti Wrinkle Cream 45 Day Supply : This miraculous cream contains millions of microprisms which refract light to immediately reduce the ability to see wrinkles. (shadows are what you actually see when you see wrinkles) When you turn on the lights and the room is COMPLETELY LIT, the shadows in the room disappear! This is exactly what happens when light is reflected into the bottom of your wrinkles! They appear to have disappeared, (but they really haven't); There are really two ways to hide wrinkles without using a lot of make-up: always stay in dark places OR shine some light on them (which is what DECEPTION does). And bingo; they'll seem to disappear before your eyes! Deception temporarily hides wrinkles and it does that by reflecting light. Wrinkles are not visible to the human eye - only the shadow the wrinkle creates is visible. Dremu Deception contains tiny particles of silicon. The cream soaks into wrinkles and the silicon reflects light much like a mirror does. Because the light is reflected, there is no shadow, therefore there is no perception of the wrinkle. This effect lasts only until the cream is washed off (no special cleanser is needed). The silicon does not have any adverse effects. This cream isn't like any other cream or moisturizer... Dremu DECEPTION is applied only over the line or wrinkle you wish to hide; nowhere else! Put a tiny bit on the tip of your finger and gently glide it over the line or wrinkle you wish to hide. Always glide in the same direction, NOT back and forth. Don't rub or massage it in or dab it on! If you see a white film, you've put on too much! Just keep gliding it over the wrinkle until the white film disappears. Then wait a few moments; you'll see the effect in about 15 seconds! Hint: it's hard to see the effect of Dremu DECEPTION if you are TOO CLOSE to the mirror! Deception works best with lots of light. The more light, the better it works! Dremu Deception - Best Anti Wrinkle Cream 45 Day Supply
0.75 oz. Jar