Ricola Lemon Mint Sticks 10 Herb Throat Drops
Ricola Lemon Mint Sticks 10 Herb Throat Drops
Ricola Natural Herb Throat Drops Lemon Mint gets its uniquely mellow taste from the herb lemon balm. Light and refreshing, Ricola Natural Herb Throat Drops Lemon Mint is ideal for year-round use, offering relief from cold and flu symptoms as well as dry, scratchy throats and seasonal allergies. Ricola Natural Herb Throat Drops Lemon Mint uses a mixture of 10 naturally harvested Swiss mountain herbs for natural, quick relief. Lemon Mint is a flavor combination of the Ricola original herb blend and menthol, with a refreshing lemony taste. Ricola Lemon Mint is ideal for year-round use, offering relief from cold and flu symptoms as well as dry, scratchy throats and seasonal allergies. Calms the nerves. The pleasant and fresh aromatic herb originates from the eastern Mediterranean. Its soothing effect is widely appreciated. The herbs for this refreshing herb drop are cultivated in the Swiss mountains using organic farming methods without chemical pesticides. Uses temporarily relieves occasional minor irritation and pain associated with: Sore mouth. Sore throat.